minderbroeders kapucijnen

eenvoudig • franciscaans • leven

minderbroeders kapucijnen

eenvoudig • franciscaans • leven

Br. Ivan xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

​I was ordained Priest in the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor. Then I worked as a missionary in Sri Lanka for five years, where I was involved in the formation of Candidates to the Capuchin Order. The Flemish Capuchin Province has invited me to pursue my studies in Belgium, as they are collaborating with the missionary endeavors in Sri Lanka. Ever since I had joined the catholic seminary to become a priest, I always wanted to have a better understanding of God. God continues to remain a mystery for me, such a mystery, that you get sucked into it, and the more you search, the more you find and then realize that there is much more to be found. My day-to-day experiences in fraternity strengthen my belief. After being here in Belgium, the understanding of life has matured and strengthened.

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